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Compare Oxygen Concentrators

Oxygen Concentrator Comparison

When deciding what Oxygen Concentrator to purchase, please keep in mind that your prescription for an Oxygen Concentrator will expire after 36 months. After that time, YOU WILL NOT OWN THE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT and the prescribed dealer will pick up the oxygen concentrator (after they have made over $6,000 off of you), at which time you will have to purchase an oxygen concentrator anyways. YOUR monthly CO-PAY will be the same with your insurance or Medicare as if you were to put the oxygen concentrator on a credit card over 36 months. In essence, then the oxygen concentrator will pay for itself and you will own the oxygen equipment after 36 months.

Invacare HomeFill requires an Invacare Oxygen Concentrator for operation.

Invacare HomeFill vs. Invacare Platinum XL 5 vs. Respironics EverFlo Concentrator

Invacare HomeFill

Invacare Platinum XL 5 Concentrator

Respironics EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator

Invacare HomeFill
Invacare Platinum XL Concentrator
Respironics EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator
Noise Level: 50 dBA avg.
50 dBA avg. 45 dBA avg.
Oxygen Concentration: 95.6% - 87% 95.6% - 87% 93% +/- 3%
Oxygen Flow Rate: 0 L - 3 L per min. filling 0.5 L - 5 L per min. 0.5 L - 5 L per min.
Dimensions: 20.25" W x 15" H x 16"D 18.38" W x 26.38" H x 14.38"D 15" W x 23" H x 9.5" D
Weight: 33 lbs. 52 lbs. 31 lbs.
Warranty: 1 year 5 years 2 years

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